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Bathroom on Motzaei Shabbos

If someone finds themselves in a bathroom motzei Shabbos before making havdallah and there is no cut toliet paper and only has available “normal” rolled toliet paper. Should the person make havdallah al yedei hirhur? Should they be somach on the de’ah that “small” malachos are muter motzei Shabbos before havdallah? Or should they tear the toliet paper with some sort of shinui?


He should simply say “baruch hamavdil bein kodesh le-chol,” and then perform melachah as usual.

If the person is careful not to speak in a bathroom (this also depends on the type of bathroom involved), he can go outside for a second (after wrapping something round himself), say “baruch hamavdil,” and return.

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