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Unwanted Stuff in Storage Unit

A few years ago, a neighbor asked if he could store some items in my storage unit for a few months until he gets a permanent storage unit. I agreed. A few months later, I wanted to store my own things, so I asked him to come over and take his items out. Since I first asked him it has been over two years of him ignoring my calls and my e-mails. When I manage to contact him, he promises to cone some day and clear his stuff. I’m really desperate for space to store my own things. What should I do?


Write him an e-mail, and leave a clear phone message, informing him that in a week’s time his stuff will be taken out of the storage unit, and left in the public domain. If he wishes to avoid this invonvenience and financial loss, he should pick up the stuff as soon as possible.

You never agreed to keep the stuff on a permament basic, and you have no obligation to do so. Therefore, the advice above is perfectly fine, and you are perfectly within you rights to carry out the threat.

Best wishes.

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