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Yoledes Going Out After Birth

B’rishus Harav, can you explain the procedure regarding a yeledes after the birth, in regards to her going outside. I have various minhagim and am really unsure about them. Does the new mother have to go to d’var mitzvah, i.e. shul to hear kadish/borchu? Can she go to any other mitzvah? Must there be a minyan at home before she leaves the home? Finally, why is this done, I understood she requires ‘shimrah’ can you please elucidate this issue.
Thank you, and tizku lemitzvos


A yoledes is permitted to leave the house at will, provided that this will not adversely affect her health, of course.

Some have the custom that the first place she goes to is the shul, some have the custom that she hears Barchu at home, and some ensure that the first time she goes out should be for a mitzvah – but these customs are not halachic rulings, and they are not binding (many do not follow them).

For details on these customs, see Bezel Ha-Chochman 6:78.

A yoledes is one of the people who requires “shemirah,” and therefore she should not go out where there won’t be other people.

Some say that this applies until 7 days after birth, and some until thirty days after birth.

Best wishes.

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