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Mountain Climbing

it has become a challenge to climb mt.kilimanjaro in kenya.even kosher provisions r provided,for groups.from a med report document from edinburg reports that 47% of climbers r sick & ill equipped for altitude sickness,which can be fatal.approx 8 die each year.u may c the report from…….my ques is should we not discourage shomrei torah u’mitzvos from making the attempt bec it is sakonas nefashos ?? they also stay for shabos in one of the camps there y put oneself in such a matzav etc hamflig b’sfina… kol tuv


From your description it sounds like you should definitely discourage Jewish climbers.

A person should not place himself into a situation of potential danger, unless there is a legitimate need for it.

However, if a person prepares himself properly, and is careful to ensure that he is well equipped and fully fit, then there would not be an actual prohibition against climbing the mountain.

Please see here for the general obligation of taking care of the body.

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