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Issues for Eating in non-Observant Home

I wanted to know what all the Halachik issues are regarding Kashrut when I get invited out to my non religious relatives for a meal but claim to keep a Kosher kitchen.

Here is a list of things I can think of, please clarify if these are problems and perhaps suggest other issues I am not aware of.

Were the Dishes toveled?
I assume they didn’t check for bugs.
Did they wash up the milk and meat dished together?
If they cooked with the dishes on Shabbos does that make them treif?
If the gentile maid prepared the food, does that make the dishes Treif because of Bishul Akum?
I thank you for your help.


1. Dishes: This can be a problem. It is best to eat off disposable dishes.

2. Depends on the nature of the food being served, but can be a problem for leafy vegetables and the like.

3. Not usually a problem, and there is room to assume that if they have two sets, there was no contact on a level that would treif up the dishes.

4. Not a problem for you, because for others the food – and the pot – is permitted.

5. Yes, this would be a problem.

In general, one cannot rely on non-religious people to keep a kosher home, even if they say that they do. The pitfalls are simply too great. The only way to navigate the issue is by bringing your own food/pots, or by somehow keeping a separate set in the home, which can be kept separately.

Best wishes.

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