I just read that the mishna berura rules that a woman is obligated to say korbonos just like she is obligated in shemonei esrei. I daven nusach sefard (chassidic) and in school we were not taught to say it. Is there a source for a woman not to say korbonos?
The Agur, Maharil, and Beis Yosef (Orach Chaim 47) mention the obligation of women to recite korbanos, explaining that whoever is obligated in davening is likewise obligated to say korbanos.
This is likewise mentioned by the Magen Avraham, the Mishnah Berurah, and see also Biur Halachan (s.v. Nashim). The Shulchan Aruch Harav (10) writes that the obligation applies to the Tamid alone.
However, many poskim write that the idea of reciting korbanos is special to men alone (Peri Megadim 47:14; Tehillah Le-David 47:9; Mor U-Ketziah), and the almost universal custom is that women do not recite korbanos (with the exception of those women who daven the entire prayer service).
See at length Rabbi Eliyahu Falk, Machazeh Eliyah 14.
Best wishes.