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Becoming a Physical Therapist

A student of mine (22 y/o male) would like to become a physical therapist. However, this may entail touching women both during school and while practicing as one. Is this permitted?


It is fine to become a physical therapist. There is a preference not to treat women, but where there is a need it is permitted.


A number of sources indicate that there is no prohibition of touching women when the touch is not in a manner of affection and arousal (see Rambam, Issurei Biah 21:1-2, 6; Tur and Shulchan Aruch, Even Ha’ezer 20; Rivash 425; Rashba vol. 1, no. 1488).

Based on this principle, Shach (Yoreh De’ah 195:20) rules that it is permitted for a male doctor to take the pulse of married women (see also Shach 157:10). Although some poskim dispute this, Shach’s opinion is ruled by Shut P’nei Yehoshua (vol. 2, no. 44), and by other authorities.

Based on the same principles, it would be permitted to practice medical techniques, including physical therapy (which is a recognized technique) on women. A further reason for leniency is that the Gemara (Avodah Zarah 20) teaches that a person at work does is not inclined to have forbidden thoughts, though some question the application of this principle to scenarios of directly touching women.

Yet, there is a difference between physical therapy and taking a pulse, and there is more room for concern concerning prolonged treatments than for short checks. Therefore, although it is permitted, it is better to avoid the situation, where possible.

See also Taanis 21b concerning how a certain pious doctor used to treat women. And see further Iggros Moshe, Yoreh De’ah vol. 3, no. 54; Az Nidberu vol 10, no. 33.

Best wishes.

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