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Internet Site on Shabbos

I had a question regarding my website.

If an advertising company post ads on my website 24/7 and I get paid for every time someone clicks on the ad (I get paid regardless if they purchase the product.)

is this a problem on Shabbos?

Would it be problematic if I was the direct payee as opposed to the advertiser paying an intermediary first?



If the site is international, and most of the people entering the site are not Jewish, this will not be a problem.

Although you are “making money” on Shabbos, this is akin to leaving a drinks machine on, and people buying from it on Shabbos, which does not involve any prohibition (because you are not working on Shabbos, and you are not making money specifically from the Shabbos day).

Please see here for more details on this.

Best wishes.

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