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G-d and G-dliness

Do you think that G-d is visible?
(My niece said – when she was 3 years old – and little children can be very wise; it´s often astonishing: “In fact, G-d is everywhere, in the trees, in plants, in the whole nature”).
One of the 10 commandments says (bad translation, English is not my mother tongue,please excuse me): “You don´t have to make a picture of G-d”. In German: “Du sollst dir kein Bild von Gott machen.”
The picture of G-d as an old man with a white beard (as it is often painted by Roman-Catholics) is childish.
But I had a friend who is Cherokee; and once I asked him: “Who is Manitou?”
He answered me: “I´m Manitou. You are Manitou. This tree here is Manitou. This plant there is Manitou etc…”
The Holy Bible says: “G-d created the human being as a picture of himself”.
(Again, bad translation, in German: “Gott hat den Menschen nach seinem Ebenbild geschaffen”.)
I see G-d everywhere, for example in the smile of a nice person, in a beautiful flower etc.
To me, G-d is visible.
What´s your opinion?


It is not only childish to present G-d as an old man with a beard. It is much worse, for a physical representation of G-d distorts His infinite Being.

Of this infinity the verse writes, “no man can see Me, and live.” It is impossible for physical, finite creatures, to “see” (fathom) the infinite.

It can also be misleading to say that G-d is in the trees and in the plants, for it is idolatry to say that plants are actually Divine – the tree is not G-d.

At the same time, all elements of nature  contain some emanation whose source is in the Divine, for otherwise they could not exist, and this is the intention of the kindergarden song.

It is well to see G-d in all things, when the intention is that we see G-dliness. We see how the goodness of G-d is manifest in nature, in beautiful things, in a human smile, and so on. This must be distinguished, however, from the actual “being” of G-d Himself, which is beyond all things of this world.

Best wishes.


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1 Comment

  1. I´ve never meant that G-d is DIRECTLY visible, only INDIRECTLY as a manifestation of His Essence.
    And there has to be a difference between faith and – let´s call it “spiritual vanity”.
    Underneath your lines there´s standing: “God.”
    The thesis: G-d isn´t visible.
    The antithesis (that you have presented me): G-d is visible in 3 letters.
    My (modest) conclusion: Trying to understand the mysteries of G-d intellectually and with 5 common senses is like trying to put the whole sea into a small pot or mug.

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