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Mentions of Kerias Shema in Gemara

Is it possible to list all the Gemarot that have to do with kriat shema. Please list the dafim if possible I really appreciate your time and effort thank you so much.


The list will be a little too long for this forum, but I’ll try.

The entire first part of tractate Berachos (up to folio 30) deals with issues of Keriat Shema, and this is the main bulk of the Talmudic treatment of the topic.

It is also mentioned on Berachos 33b, Pesachim 117b, Rosh Hashanah 34b, Yoma 19b and 30a, Sukkah 25-26 and 42a, Megillah 17, 19 and 20, and Sotah 32b and 42a.

There are additional mentions here and there, but these are the main sources.

Best wishes.

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