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Davening Biychidus at Hanetz Hachamah

If one wants to daven at the time of neitz hachama in a community where there no such minyan davening at this time, is it better for him to daven alone with neitz hachama or to daven later with a minyan? Also, does the answer differ on Mondays/Thursdays/Rosh Chodesh, etc.?


The general halachah (as given by the Mishnah Berurah) is that if a person davens regularly at ha-netz ha-chamah he should do so even without a minyan.

However, Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach used to rule that if a person intends to daven at ha-netz ha-chamah for the virtue of the time, is it fine to do so even if one doesn’t do so regularly.

For Mondays and Thursdays the Chazon Ish used to go to shul later to hear the reading of the Torah, but others rule that this is not obligatory (because the obligation applies to the congregation and not to individuals).

Best wishes.

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