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Playing with Child on Shabbos

My son is four and loves playing ball. On shabbat, he plays often with his ball and tries to get me involved with playing with him like with a living room soccer or football game. I try to get him to do more shabbosdik activities but he is four and really just wants to play ball. Can I ever join him and play with him in his “ball-games.” He craves my attention and wants me to play with him, and really enjoys when I play ball with him. At the same time, I am attempting to give him proper chinuch and ideally stay away from ball playing. Can I ever join him? What advice does the Rav have for me.

All the best!


Although I understand your desire to involve your son in more “shabbosdik” activities, bearing in mind that he’s only four his preference for ball games is very understandable.

I would certainly advise playing with him (for ball games, this should be indoors), and giving him the attention he craves. The balls games of today will turn into the more spiritual activities of the future, and being that this is for the important purpose of your parental relationship, it is certainly fine to take part on Shabbos too.

Best wishes for now and for the future.


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