Do halachic מחיצות count as walls in regards to לעג לרעש? For example, if one is walking next to a בית החיים surrounded by a chain link fence. Is there an issue of Loeg Larash on Shabbos.
Thank you
A halachic mechitza would be sufficient for purposes of “loeg larash”, to make a separation between one’s self and a grave, in order to permit tzitztis and tefillin in that place.
“Loeg Larash” would apply on Shabbos as during the week.
See Shulchan Aruch Y:D 341 and 367 where it is clear there are two ways to make a separation. One is through a covering which doesn’t need to be a hahlchic mechitza as the tzitzis or niftar are covered. The other option is a mechitza which works even when there is no complete covering.