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Perspective on Illness

I know that everything that happens to you is for the good and it’s perfect for you. But let’s say chas v’shalom you have an illness, that’s perfect for you specifically to have to help you be better in life and it’s actually good for you, but do you have to like it? Do you have to be happy with dealing with an illness? It’s kind of a weird question because if it was anything else and I told you “this thing I’m giving to you is the best thing for you and it’s going to help you so much in life” you’d probably be so happy and thankful, and I know we should be too for whatever Hashem gives us , but when it comes to an illness that you have to deal with everyday can you or do you really have to be happy with it even if it’s frustrating?


All trials and tribulations we face in this world are certainly part of the masterplan and for our ultimate good. However from our limited perspective in this world, there are things which are difficult and sad to deal with. There is even a bracha called “dayan haemes” which is made over bad tidings and difficult situations. So we recognize and even thank Hashem for his judgement, at the same time there is a bracha for what is humanly conceived as bad and what is seen as good.

So while we need to know and believe it is for our good, and even be comforted by that, ultimately illness, death and other such situations naturally bring out emotions other than happiness. These feelings are meant to be channeled to prayer,introspection and self improvement.

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