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Is a women allowed to wear pants (not tight)


is a women allowed to wear pants (not tight)



There are two potential issues with women wearing pants. The first one is “Lo Tilbash” that a man or woman should not wear clothing of the opposite gender. If the prohibition of lo tilbash applies is controversial. Some authorities say that since woman’s pants are cut differently than men’s are, therefore it isn’t a “man’s” type of clothing and this prohibition wouldn’t apply.     Others say that since pants are a man’s type of clothing, even if women’s pans are cut slightly different, it is still a man’s type of garment, especially if it being worn to dress up, it is included in lo tilbash.

The second issue is a tznius one. Since pants bring out and show the shape of the women’s body and her legs, especially that one can see her legs split. Therefore it brings people that see her to immodest thoughts and promiscuous behavior. Because of this all poskim prohibit it. Being that the reason is because her split legs can be seen it will not matter if the pants are tight or loose fitting.

This is when she is outside among men, however when she is doing exercise in a woman’s exercise class, it would not be lo tilbash, since it is being done for practical purposes, the tznius issue would also not be a problem, as she is in private and among only women.


Regrding Lo Tilbash Minchas Yitzchok 2-108, Tzitz Eilezer 11-62, Shevet Halevi3 Y:D 63 prohibit. Yibia Omer Y:D 6- 14, Yaskel Avdei 5 Y:D 20, ishneh Halachos 12-353, Orchos Rabeinu 2- pg 226.permit. Regarding the tznius issue See Yaskil Avdei 5 Y:D 8, Orchos rabeinu ibid, Emes L’ Yackov ( R Y. Kaminetsky zt”l) E:H 25- ftnt 5, Kerem Shlomo 16, Kedoshim Tihiyu pg. 255-256, Es Tzunium Chochma pg. 212 that prohibit.

Regrding Lo Tilbash Minchas Yitzchok 2-108, Tzitz Eilezer 11-62, Shevet Halevi3 Y:D 63 prohibit. Yibia Omer Y:D 6- 14, Yaskel Avdei 5 Y:D 20, ishneh Halachos 12-353, Orchos Rabeinu 2- pg 226.permit. Regarding the tznius issue See Yaskil Avdei 5 Y:D 8, Orchos rabeinu ibid, Emes L’ Yackov ( R Y. Kaminetsky zt”l) E:H 25- ftnt 5, Kerem Shlomo 16, Kedoshim Tihiyu pg. 255-256, Es Tzunium Chochma pg. 212 that prohibit.

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