Dear Rabbonim,
Next door to our building is a plot allocated for use as a Synagogue.
Is this something that the kablan should have told us before purchasing?
The process has started to place temporary structures on the site: (caravans)
1. What is the halacha regarding privacy rights? (The synagogue is above ground level of our house by about 4m and has direct view into the majority of our rooms and bedrooms.
2. Are we able to force them to build a wall.
Practically what would be the advice in this situation.
Thank you
There is nothing wrong with having a shul next door-on the contrary it is good. However yes you can make them either build a wall or make their windows in a way that they can’t look into your apt. because that is hezek re’eyo
I would suggest speaking to them before making a fight. It is always better to do things in an amicable way
Yosef Fleischman