I ate hot/ warm oatmeal that had (cold) milk and butter with a PAREVE spoon by mistake. How can I make (Kashe) the spoon as PAREVE again? Can I place the spoon in boiling water using a pareve pot to KASHE it?
Yes you may use a pareve pot for this. Even if the spoon would need kashering, (which isn't clear) it may be kashered in a pareve pot. The amount of absorbed taste that would come out of the spoon is minimal, therefore it will not cause the pareve pot to become milky.
Best Wishes
Additional reading:
- Kashering a dishwasher from mik to meat
- Using treif glass cups
- Kashrus status of dairy bowl into which hot fleishig soup was poured and eaten
- Diary fork made treif and kashered too early
- Fleishig Sauce Spilled on Milchig Sandwich Toaster
- Rinsing Baby bottles in meat sink
- One milk and one meat stainless steel pot-- got confused.