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Epidemic restrictions


The world is implementing rapid and intensive responses to the Covid 19 viral epidemy. Shiurim, Minyanim, shuls and schools have been suspended in countless countries temporarily.
Whilst obviously it is clear one has to obey to the instructions and guidelines set in that particular place, I wonder on a halachic basis what are the parameters of not performing mitzvos.
In other words, someone who is not in the danger group (such a healthy 30 year old with no pre-existing medical condition) who would not be in danger even if he does catch the virus (al derach ha teva), is not davening in a minyan etc not for himself but for others. In purely halachic terms – Is this all in the mitzva of vechay bahem?
How far is a person obligated to go to protect others from a harm?

Again, I am just trying to comprehend the halocho – it is clear that we do as we are told!
We should only hear besuros tovos
Thanking you for an explanation,


According to the medical establishment, the way that this virus spreads is by contact between people, (physical, or by breathing in the germs that another person expels). Even if a certain person is not in personal danger, we are commanded more to make sure not to harm others then to make sure that we don’t get harmed. The idea that pikuach nefesh supersedes almost all other mitzvos applies even to the life of someone else, for example even if all of Klal Yisroel would have to be mechalel shabbos in order to save one person’s life, we would be commanded to do so.  It is true that many younger people, are not in danger, however by not listening to the rules and guidelines given by the medical establishment, they are actually endangering other people’s life. This in infinitely more important that our personal davening, and whatever mitzva we think we are doing. Additionally, if our coming to daven is possibly causing someone else to be in danger, then our davening, could possibly be a mitzva h’baah b’aveiro, and it i not considered a mitzvs, but an aveiro.

May H-shem have mercy on all of us and we should all come out of this harsh decree safe and healthy.



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