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Porch Minyanim


Regarding porch Minyanim,
It is my understanding (correct me if I’m wrong) that the rabbonim in Yerushalayim haven’t come out against Minyanim in which everybody is on their own porch, a couple of questions arise.
1- If not all ten+ people can see each other but some of the people can see 10 people is that acceptable?
2- Does the Shliach Tzibbur need to be from one of those who see 10 people?
3- The core 10 of the Minyan is comprised of 2 next door buildings which has a large garden in between, is that an issue?
4- 2 people join in from a building which is around 100 meters away down an alleyway, they can only see around 2 people they can hear, can they join the Minyan?
5- and if so can they be part of the core of 10?
6- there often is 2-4 people who don’t have a porch facing the Minyan who join in, by standing in the large garden keeping a substantial distance from each other say 15 meters, should they not be doing that (Lo plug) if they do that any issue counting them as the core 10?
7- On shabbos/Yomtov somebody has liened from a chumash (without brochos and Aliyos) followed by Haftora, should there be brochos made on the Haftora (No Klaff but many places don’t use a Klaff)
Thank you so much!


It should be clear that all of this is bshas hadchak .like now that we don’t have any other choice to have a minyan.

  1. It is the greatest but it is still alright.
  2. It is better that he be able to see the ten people, but if the situation is not possible it is also alright b’dieved.
  3. Yes, but it is better that it not be public pathway.
  4. Yes.
  5. B’dieved yes.
  6. They sholdn’t really be doing that, but if they did they can still be counted in to the minyan.
  7. If there is no kosher leining, we don’t say a bracha on the haftora, but everyone should lein the leining themselves.



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