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Kiddush on Beverages Other Than Wine

This week’s article we discuss the issue of Kiddush, and in particular the question of which beverages can be used for Kiddush. When is it permitted to make Kiddush on beer, and other beverages? Can whisky be used for Kiddush, and how much needs to be drunk? Can one make Kiddush on bread? These questions, and more, are discussed below.

Inviting Non-Observant Jew for Shabbos

What are the sources that deal with the question of inviting a Jew for Shabbos in the knowledge that he will drive to your house? Answer: Two sources that are stringent concerning this issue are Rav Moshe Feinstein (Iggros Moshe, Orach Chaim 1:99) and Rav Elyashiv zt”l (cited in Chashukei Chemmed Pesachim p. 189). The […]

Buying from Jewish Establishments

Is there a Halacha that state one is obligated to support a Jewish owned business by purchasing either goods or services? Is there an obligation for one to at least give the Jew an opportunity to provide a quote for the goods or services? Is it an obligation for one who is financially comfortable and […]

Tzitzis: The Garment and Wearing It

Parashas Shelach concludes with a section familiar to us all as the third paragraph of Krias Shema, which presents the mitzvah of tzitzis. The particulars of the mitzvah of tzitzis are many, and address the types of garment that are obligated in tzitzis, the way in which the strings are made and hung on the […]

Saying “Thank You” for a Loan

When paying back a loan, is saying “thank you” ribbis? Answer: No, saying “thank you” is not considered ribbis. Sources: The Gemara and the Shulchan Aruch write that if a person was not used, prior to the loan, to greeting his creditor, and he begins to greet him after the loan, this is considered ribbis […]

Questions of Wife’s Property

* Do mitzva payments (like yizkor money, kapparos, matanos l’evyonim, etc.) or pledges to tzeddakah (like “18 shekel to Poseiach if I find my keys before I’m late for my appointment or the test results are positive”) that a wife makes fall under the category of the parnassah a husband provides for his wife or […]

Parshas Shelach – Settling the Land—Then and Now

In the episode of the meraglim, which we read this week, the nation of Israel is described as having “despised the Land.” On account of the people’s despising the Land, and rejecting the Divine promise of inheriting it, the Land was denied them, and given instead to their children. In the present article we will […]

Donation from Non-Jews for Aliyah

What is the halacha regrading taking money from Christians who promote aliyah? More specifically, my wife’s grandmother is currently in the process of making aliyah, but doesn’t seem to be able to afford bringing a lift. There is a non-missionary Christian organization that gives grants for Jews to be able to bring lifts here to […]

The Halachic Ban and its Laws (Part II)

After beginning to outline the basic idea of the halachic ban, in the article of two weeks ago, we turn this week to the particular halachos of declaring a ban—and also to discuss a number of bans that were actually made over the generations, such as the ban against studying foreign languages in Jerusalem. How is a ban declared, and what are its halachos? What is the jurisdiction of those making the ban? How is a ban cancelled? We will address these issues, and others, in this week’s article.

Early Kiddush and Candle Lighting for Shavuos

Can one make kiddush and shechiyanu after plag hamincha on shavuos night, and daven marriv later after tzas hacochovim? Can a women light candles likewise after plag? Answer: On Shavuos night a person should not make kiddush early, before plag ha-minchah. This is ruled explicitly by the Magen Avraham (494), and is likewise implied by […]

Warm Shower on Yom Tov

Dear Rabbonim Shlita The Halocha is that it is forbidden to bathe or shower during the 9 days. I understand that the basic allowance is to wash hands, feet and face in warm water, and only in certain cases of sweatiness or for health reasons, may one wash ones entire body in hot water with […]