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Kashering Sink with Plastic Faucet

Question: Can a sink faucet with a plastic spout be kashered? If I am by someone else’s house that was told by their Rav that they can kasher it – is there makom to be makil? Answer: Yes, there is certainly room to be lenient here. Although there is an implication in Iggros Moshe, Yoreh […]

Intention for Torah Study in Kerias Shema

Can one be yotzie Krias shma with dual cavanah. 1. For mitzvah 2.lilmud Torah? Thank you Answer: Yes, but the principle intention is for the mitzvah of kerias shema, and the Torah study involved is secondary. There is also no need to have this intention. The Gemara actually states that somebody who recites kerias shema […]

Remembering Amalek: Halachos of Parashas Zachor

This week’s article discusses the halachos of Parashas Zachor, which is read this week in advance of Purim. Is the reading of Zachor a Torah mitzvah, or a rabbinic enactment? Does the mitzvah require a kosher Sefer Torah, and a reading among a quorum of men? Are women obligated in the mitzvah? These questions, and more, are discussed in the present article.

Reciting Berachos without Covering Hair

Does a married woman need to cover her hair when making any brochas for herself? if so what is the source? Answer: No, there is no specific obligation for a woman to cover her hair when reciting blessings. Although some are stringent in this matter, it appears that at least for Ashkenazim, one can be […]

The Joy of the Month of Adar: Why and How?

This week’s article discusses the famous statement of Chazal: “When Adar enters, we augment our joy.” Why is the month of Adar singled out from all other months in its expression of joy? What halachos does the special status of the month include, and in which way are we to express the joy of the time? These points, and more, are discussed in this week’s article.

Kiddush on Beverages Other Than Wine

In this week’s article we discuss the issue of Kiddush, and in particular the question of which beverages can be used for Kiddush. When is it permitted to make Kiddush on beer, and on other beverages? Can whisky be used for Kiddush, and how much needs to be drunk? Can one make Kiddush on bread? These questions, and more, are discussed in this week’s article.

Automated Forex Trading over Shabbos

Hi I have started currency trading and have some Halacha’s to ask. 1. Is currency trading considered halachic gambling? 2. I trade through an automated system, where people from all over the world enter into trades and then their trades are copied into my account, both when they open each trade and close each trade, […]

Taking Revenge and Bearing a Grudge: A Halachic Appraisal

This week’s article discusses a number of basic questions concerning the prohibitions against taking revenge and bearing a grudge. When are the prohibitions of taking revenge and bearing a grudge transgressed? Are they contingent on a person’s inner thoughts, or do they require a concrete action? Are there instances in which it is permitted to take revenge and to bear a grudge? We will seek to clarify these issues in this week’s article.

Dreams Can Come True: A Halachic Appraisal of Dreams (2)

In last week’s article, and in keeping with the weeks’ parashios in which a number of dreams are mentioned, we began to discuss the halachic significance of dreams. The main focus of the article was the seeming contradiction between two Talmudic sources, one of them highlighting the halachic significance of dreams, and the other indicating […]

Dreams Can Come True: A Halachic Appraisal of Dreams (1)

In Parashas Vayeishev we begin to learn about the importance of dreams. Yaakov Avinu, the Torah informs us, “kept the matter” of Yosef’s prophetic dreams, anticipating their future fulfillment. Ultimately, the dreams were realized when Yaakov and his sons were brought before Yosef, the Egyptian viceroy. In the forthcoming parashah, Parashas Miketz, we find the […]

Placing Food in Oven on Shabbos

Our oven has a matzav Shabbat, its programming is separate from the non-matzav Shabbat programming (their switches are unrelated, once Shabbos mode is on, the knobs belonging to the normal oven have no more effect — to the best of my knowledge). However, Shabbos mode does not use a different compartment of the oven, the very […]

Asking non-Jew to Turn On Lights

  Amira l’goy we are sometimes matir l’tzrachei rabbim, for example turning on the lights in a shul. If davening in the shul starts at 8 am and someone got there much earlier and wants to learn before the people start to arrive, can he get the goy then to come turn on the lights […]

Laws of Yichud/Seclusion (1)

The verse in this week’s parashah states (Devarim 13:7): “If your brother, the son of your mother, or your son, or your daughter, or the wife of your lap, or your friend that is as your own soul, entice you secretly, saying: ‘Let us go and serve other gods,’ which you have not known, neither […]

Laws of Seclusion (2)

In last week’s article we began to discuss the prohibition of yichud, seclusion with women who constitute prohibited unions. We discussed the basic nature of the prohibition (Torah/rabbinic; ‘essential’/’protective’), and elaborated on the common leniency of a woman whose husband is in town. This week, we will continue to discuss the common halachos of yichud. […]

Baruch Sheptarani: Released from Punishment

This week’s article deals with the blessing of baruch sheptarani, the berachah recited by fathers upon their sons reaching Bar-Mitzvah. What is the meaning of the blessing, and why is it commonly recited without Shem and Malchus? It the blessing recited for girls? Is it recited by mothers? These, and other questions, are discussed in this week’s article.

Eating Locusts and Opening Bottles

The relationship between different minhgim and mesorot. Mesorah: What would be the halacha if an Ashkenazi Jew visited a Yemenite Jew and was offered the Egyptin Desert Locust as a snack? Could he rely on their mesorah to permit him to eat what would otherwise be a Torah Prohibition? Minhag and Psak din: An Ashkenazi […]

Gifts in Halachah: To Hate or to Accept?

In this week’s parashah, Vayeira, after Avimelech discovers that Sarah is the wife of Avraham, the pasuk narrates (Bereishis 20:14): “Avimelech took sheep, cattle, slaves and maidservants, and gave them to Avraham; and he returned him his wife, Sarah.” The concept of receiving gifts, also in the context of Sarah, is likewise found when Avraham […]