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Segulah of Mikva in Ninth Month

Many women have the minhag of being tovel in the 9th month of their pregnancy as a segulah. If a woman became tameh by the end of her 9th month and still didn’t go to the mikveh yet for the “segulah” and doesn’t plan on making zion nekiem and going now for the tumah because she is due to give birth any day. May she still go to the mikveh for the segulah even though she is tameh? Or is there a problem with this?


It is hard to know the answer to this question, because the idea of the segulah is not a formal halachic principle, and is also not found in halachic sefarim, though I have heard of the custom.

Having said this, it is hard to believe that the concept of the segulah can apply in a state of tumah, though it is possible that once tevillah is possible on a Torah level, the segulah will apply.

Best wishes.

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