I am flying BeZ"H on Tuesday night, March 22, at 11:50 PM to Israel. At what point during my flight do I begin fasting for Taanit Esther?
The fast begins at Alos Hashachar. The question is, when exactly is Alos Hashachar on this flight?
Below are estimates from chaitables.co, these times are not always fully accurate, depending on the speed and route of the plane. Therefore, you should add an hour or so to these times for starting the fast.
Flight departing from: New York NY U.S.A. |
Flight arriving at: Ben Gurion Lod Israel |
Expected local departure date and time: Tuesday, 3/22/2016, 11:50 PM (Daylight Saving Time). |
Predicted local arrival date and time: Wednesday, 3/23/2016, 4:20 PM (Standard Time). |
Delay in departure | Alos Hashachar [how much time after takeoff] | ||
0 min. | 3 hr. 10 .min [after takeoff] | ||
15 min. | 3 hr. 2 .min | ||
30 min. | 2 hr. 54 .min | ||
45 min. | 2 hr. 46 .min | ||
1 hr. | 2 hr. 38 .min | ||