Is there anything halachically wrong for one to sell his chometz through two different Rabbis.
(it comes out that two different shluchim are selling the same chometz)?
There is nothing halachically wrong with doing this. Whichever Rov ended up selling the chometz first was the one who actually sold it. I remember seeing Horav Zaidel Epstein zt”l sell his chometz to two different Rabbonim.
Additional reading:
- When I sell my chometz to the Rov, should I also include the address of my rental properties?
- Selling Entire House for Pesach and leaving town by plane for entire pesach. Do I need to clean my car?
- mechiras chometz when adult children contribute to household expenses
- Selling chometz when you don’t own the place you are staying
- Writing price when selling chometz
- Execution of Chametz sale
- going into a home that was sold
Rabbi Blumenkrantz 3-55 says l’chatchila not to do this.
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