Is it permitted to walk in a public domain on Shabbos with a NuvaRing?
Yes it is permitted. The reason is because it is similar to a ring on a woman’s finger, that it is kept there, therefore it is not considered carrying outside. I should be mentioned thought that a woman shold not use birth control without the consent of her rov, and after it has his consent that it is indeed needed, it is also considered a tzorech haguf, because at this point this is something that she needs.
Best Wishes
Horav S. Felder, R Matisyahu Deutsch, R’ Y. Cahen, R’ Leshinsky, R’ E. Marburger shlit”a. As a side point walking outside with a ring would not be permitted if the woman might take it off in the street to show her friends, however that fear would not apply here.
Additional reading:
- Carrying a paper with directions on shabbos without an eiruv
- Carrying a paper with directions on shabbos without an eiruv”
- Cane on Shabbat
- Carrying Tickets on Shabbat
- Carrying pepper spray in a place that does have an eruv.
- Clothing that falls off in reshus harabim
- Carrying (wearing jewelry) on Shabbos where there is no Eruv
this has no connection at all to wearing a ring which is derech malbush and tachsit mamash
the heter of a refuah being a tachsit is:only when it is derech malbush [m”b 301:88],
only when it heals [seif 22, 24,25] and not when it is just protective [seif 13, 28 – see m”b there that some allow if it protects from physical injury]
i don’t see any basis for leniency – would be happy to hear if there is one
You personally don’t see the heter , but all the poskim that this question was discussed with did see this heter. It is meant to be worn for a long time without removing it and it is a tzorech haguf, no less than a bandage, watch (according to the matirim) or kamiya.
It should be noted, that the poskim do not allow a couple to just go on to birth control without a valid reason, i.e. personal convenience etc. If a couple wants to do birth control they should speak to a Rov that knows them, their situation and needs, in order to guide them correctly.
See also:
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