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Punishment sins before age 20


B”H Thank you so much for your help. My question deals with age of heavenly punishment and the need for teshuva. If someone became observant in their 30s, and simply does not remember all of the things they did before they turned 20 (for example saying a not nice comment to someone, taking something and not returning it and they don’t even remember now), will this person be punished for these sins if they happened before they were 20? Is there a “learning curve” in judgement after a person passes away to account for the fact that they did not know better when under 20, and they have made sincere efforts to improve? So my question: is someone punished (at their day of judgement after passing away) for sins committed before age 20?
Thank you so much!


Your becoming observant at age 30, was actually the best teshuva for very many of the sins that you did while you were not observant. The fact that you didn’t know better before you became observant is definitely taken into account, because you didn’t know better. B”H you had the inner strength to make real and important changes in your life, you did teshuva, and now it is time to move on. It is time to look to the future, to see how you can continue growing, perfecting your middot, doing mitzvos, making your self a better person, and doing H-shem’s will.

Best wishes

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