If I warm up pareve food in a dairy or meat microwave, what is the status of the warmed up food? Can it be eaten together with meat or dairy?
If the microwave was used in the past 24 hours to heat up meat or dairy, the pareve food should not be eaten with meat or dairy (the opposite type).
If the microwave was not used in the past 24 hours to heat up meat or dairy, the pareve food may be eaten with meat or dairy provided that the pareve food is 60 times larger than any meat or dairy spills that are inside the microwave (which is almost always the case). It should be noted that even if the microwave was not used in the past 24 hours to heat up meat or dairy, you should not heat up pareve food in order to eat the pareve food with meat or dairy (the opposite type) unless you do not have another option (i.e. you need to heat up the pareve in the microwave and you cannot put the food in a sealed plastic bag and put it like that in the microwave).
All the best
Shulchan Aruch Y:D 95:2, Chochmas Adam 48:2.