Is it possible to split the first two berachot borei pri hagafen and shehakol barah lkvodo under the Chuppa at a wedding
The Chatan advised people that they would be getting a bracha and there is an issue of Shalom involved
Mazal tov, the new couple should be zoche to build a bayis neeman b’Yisroel. It isn’t the correct to split the bracha of borei pri hagofen from shehakol bara lkvodo. The reason is because the person making the bracha is not drinking from the kos, and this is only allowed when the bracha is considered a birkas hamitzvos. Therefore, by attaching it to some of the other brachos, we can get around this issue.
What you can do is to give the extra person to bentch after the meal, which is also a big honor, and if you are afraid that the person might be offended during the chuppah, then he can be told, that something came up, and you would like that he should lead the zimun at bentching.
Hatzlocha Rabba
להורות נתן ח"ד אבה"ע ס' ק"ה, שערי נישואין, פוסקים.