If a yachid is leining the megillah and in the middle has to go to the bathroom. When they come back may they make an asher yatzer and then reading viter or do they have to wait until afterwards?
Asher yatzar should be recited after completing the reading of the Megillah.
It is forbidden to interrupt the reading of the Megillah with (unrelated) speech.
Additional reading:
- Megillah for Children/Getting Drunk
- Megillah Out of Order
- Aveil Reading Megillah for Wife
- Can a 13 year old be motzei a woman for havdalah or the megillah?
- When Purim is Motza’ei Shabbos (Saturday Night) what is said first, Havdalah or Megilah
- Kriat HaMegilla
- Can someone be Motzai some with a different H’avarah in Krias Megillah