when does the year of availut end in first year?
The aveilut of the first year ends at the end of 12 months from the day of the burial. For example if the person was buried on the 3rd of Adar, the aveilus would finish on the 2nd of Adar the next year The aveilus continues until the end of the day and we don't say miktzas hayom k'kolo, for this , therefore it is until the end of the 2nd of Adar
Taz Y:D 402-9, 395-3, M:B 568-42
Additional reading:
- Can I redecorate and change flooring in my dining room during year of aveilus?
- Aveilus listening to wife's piano playing
- Can I attend a retirement dinner, accept appreiciation gift durng the year of aveilus?
- Can I travel to Israel during my year of Aveilut for my father z'l
- playing piano during aveilus
- Can a person in aveilut for a parent attend a chuppah?
- Shabbos meal during year of aveilus for a parent