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Hatarat nedarim and tehillim at bedtime


I have a bit of a complex question and I'm wondering how best to proceed.

I am a mother to a 7mo little boy. A few months ago I began saying shma Al hamita for him at bedtime, followed by a few prakim of tehillim. Since I have been home with him on maternity leave, I have been making sure to say it for him every night as he goes to sleep.

Now, as I'm gearing up to go back to work, I won't always be home for bedtime, and I'm worried that because I decided this would be something to do for him at bedtime, along with the frequency of the practice, that I have created a neder for myself which I may not be able to continue following through on.

My other issue is that I know that tehillim are not supposed to be recited at night, and while my son is currently going to sleep during daylight hours, as the days get shorter, saying it at bedtime would be reciting them at night.

I used to say these prakim of tehillim at mincha Time, but thought it would be nice to recite them as my son was falling asleep, and now worry that because I viewed it as a "good thing to do", this could also bind me into a neder.

I'm wondering what the best way to proceed with both tfillot is - is reciting the tehillim earlier in the day and then reciting the shma Al hamita for him when I return from work after he's alseep sufficient? Or is there a different/Better way to approach this? And if I cannot proceed as I have been, do I need to do hatarat nedarim, or would saying them at any point of the day count as fulfilling my duties.



It is best for you to say bli neder whenever you start doing someting like this, however in retrospect, since you said kol nidrei, that would abolish the neder that was created from what you did.

Regarding saying tehillim at night, if possible it is definitely better to say it by day, however if you can't it can be said at night.

Best Wishes

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  1. Thanks for the response.

    If I have taken this on in the past year, and will likely be unable to keep it up until Yom Kippur, is it enough to rely on Kol Nidrei since the neder was made after the last time I said it and possibly be broken before saying it again?

    Also, if I just adjust the timing of when j say each thing (shma after getting home from work after my son is sleeping, just not exactly at bed time, and tehillim earlier in the day) would it be considered breaking a neder?


    1. You are relying on the kol nidrei of ast year when you proclaimed that nedarim that you will accidentily make this year shold be null and void.
      If you change the time that is alright.

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