I thought one has to stand when the oleh to the Torah says ‘baruchu’ and the tzibbur answer ‘Baruch hashem umevorach’ (Mb 146:4). However most people seem to sit and just do a quick half stand and then continue sitting. Is it correct to say that such a practice is incorrect?
The Rema 146-4 and M:B 146-18 write that the Ashkenazi minhag is to stand while the words Borchu and "Boruch H-shem .." are said in addition to the actual reading of the torah. . See Kaf Hachayim 146-20 who explains the reason many why people do not stand is based on R' C. Vital, that the Arizal didn't stand.
Best wishes
Also see Piskei Teshuvos 146-6.
Additional reading:
- How many people should stand by the Bimah during Kriyas Hatorah
- Is it a problem to bring a sefer torah to a outdoor minyan?
- Standing for Torah Reading(s)
- Travelling from Israel to Chutz La'aretz, missing Parsha
- Chatzee kaddish after leining
- Closing the Aron Hakodesh
- Using a pasul sefer torah where there isn't another one available