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Fragmented sefer leaving fragments


  1. I have a sefer with a hardcover binding, but the cover boards apparently have a fake leatherette plastic that is disintegrating and shedding fragments– these pieces–they have no kedushah? (dandruff like–sweeping up and throwable away with impunity)?
  2. Any problem amputating the cover and keeping the bound sefer? (no bizayon?)



  1. The fragments do have kedusha, since the cover of the sefer, which is something the sefer needs, is considered part of the sefer and has kedusha.
  2. You can remove the cover, and replace it with something else, even if it is not as nice as the previous one. As long as it has a cover, so it shouldn’t be a bizayon.

Best wishes


תלמוד בבלי מסכת שבת דף צ עמוד א “מקק ספרים ומקק מטפחותיהם – כל שהוא. שמצניעין אותן לגונזן” ופרש”י שם “שמצניעין אותן לגונזן – שכל דבר קדש טעון גניזה”. גנזי הקודש ח-ג.

  1. Any problem amputating the cover and keeping the bound sefer? (no bizayon?)



  1. The fragments do have kedusha, since the cover of the sefer, which is something the sefer needs and therefore it is considered part of the sefer and has kedusha. Therefore, these pieces do need genizah.
  2. You can remove the cover, and replace it with something else, even if it is not as nice as the previous one, as long as it has a cover, so it shouldn’t be a bizayon.

Best wishes


תלמוד בבלי מסכת שבת דף צ עמוד א “מקק ספרים ומקק מטפחותיהם – כל שהוא. שמצניעין אותן לגונזן” ופרש”י שם “שמצניעין אותן לגונזן – שכל דבר קדש טעון גניזה”. גנזי הקודש ח-ג.

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