In regards to the mitzvah of shnayim mikrah vi'echad targum, I have been up to date with the parshiyos for the last few months. However, over the course of the year, I ended up failing to do shnayim mikrah for about 10 parshas. I know that the latest time to make up the parshiyos for shnayim mikrah is by Simchas Torah. But if I have to make up all of these parshiyos, I would have to greatly limit my regular learning seder (which includes chazara of previously learned material) to make time to complete these missing parshiyos. The seder is typically a short time per day. I would rather not do this if it's not absolutely necessary, as there are only a few weeks left to Simchas Torah. My question is to what extent I would need to inconvenience myself in my learning to make up these parshiyos? Is the opinion that one can make up the missing parshiyos until Simchas Torah the majority opinion? Or is it just a minority opinion, and so according to the majority opinion it would be too late to make up all the missing parshiyos. If its a minority opinion, can one make the case that if making up the missing parshiyos will significantly interfere with one's other learning, then one need not exert himself to make up the missing parshiyos?
Excuse me for saying this, but from your question it seems that you prefer just being “oiver” on the halacha than actual making it up. Our yetzer hora would rather that we just say, “oh well, I guess I missed it” so that we can just forget about it, and not have to do it. But this is not the way Hashem nor the halacha looks at it. If someone had a strong potential of having a 100k dollar loss, and most financial advisors would tell him to just forget about it, and another one said, “you that you can still make up the money, but it would cost you a couple of hours”. Wouldn’t anyone go for the minority opinion, as long as they can recoup the loss?
I agree with you that you shouldn’t make up the parshiot at the expense of your other learning, rather try to find the time at some other point in the day to make it up.
Rav N. T. Finkel zt”l, was a very busy person, and everything that he did was difficult for him to do due to his illnesses. I once heard him say that a person can always add more to his day and do more. He gave us a moshul. A person fills up a big jar full of rocks, he tries to get more rocks in, and they won’t go. Is the jar full? No. He can still add another few cups of pebbles. After getting in all those extra pebbles, he can still add in another couple of cups of sand. Is the jar full now? No. He can still pour into the jar a few liters of water!
He said that it is the same with us, if we feel the need, we will be able to do it, and if we start, we will have the siyata dishamya, and we will find the extra time here and there. There is time waiting on line in the bank, waiting for lights, after maariv at night, we can stay in shul for an extra 15 minutes. When doing errands, if we pull over, we can put in a few minutes there, etc. The first thing is that we need to be determined to do it, after that we will see that we can find the time.
If you get a small, pocket chumash, especially the ones that are only one parsha at a time, you can keep it in your pocket, and when you have a few minutes, make some progress. Keep a bookmark in the chumash so you won’t waste time looking for where you’re up to, and you can start right away.
If you start, even though it is hard, you will have siyata dishmaya, and when you’re finished, you will have that great feeling that you did it! Additionally, you will be able to tell, Hashem on Yom Kippur, I actually did do teshuva for something, even though it wasn’t easy.
Have a kesiva vchasima tova.