Is it permitted for female massage therapist in a spa or salon to give massage for a male non-Jew?
A Jewish woman should not be giving a massage to a male, whether he is Jewish or not. Giving a massage involves touching for pleasure, which in itself is very problematic, but here it is even worse because it is for a prolonged period and by nature, leads to many serious sins. True with a Jew it is worse, however it is far from permitted. As a side point, just to being out the point. A Jewish girl that has relations with a gentile will become prohibited from marrying a kohen. Therefore, it is not permitted for a female massage therapist to give a massage to anyone except another female. If you are not given a choice, it is in your best interest to find a different type of job.
Hashem should send you to correct source of livelihood so that you can earn a living in a kosher way, and not have to risk your spirituality in order to make a living.
how about when its on a massage chair not in private room so perhaps ther is no fear of inappropriate relationship
The touching, which is for a prolonged period, leads to improper thoughts, and is in itself inappropriate.
even for a non jew ?
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