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Good kosher sense


Dear Rabbi,

I sense there are two reasons I find difficulty in Israel.

One is first and obviously the worst I think. I was not brought with fear of heaven and anything goes. I think a kosher daughter is never in the picture for marriage.

The other more grand is that all of my family ate Treif for years. What does a Torah Jew require if he ever eats an abomination likely a full accident?

Surely I believe it is ever unlikely but as I was fooled by adults, I think ever it would be good to hope to improve the way ba'al teshuvei are included in better kosher plans for the sake I hope my Jewish existing family can ever turn safer to Orthodox jews.

Jewish priorities are important to me and I think Hashem is justified in jettisoning all of us because we have sampled tastes of forbidden food.



Even if a person sinned, if he repents, he is excepted by Hashem, and his sins are erased.

Best wishes


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