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Status of parve pan used to reheat dry chalavi food (e.g. cooked pancake)

Question: I have my last parve pan and I accidentally reheated already cooked chalavi pancakes on it. (I didn’t put any oil in it. Just used it to reheat the dry pancakes.) Would my pan be considered completely chalavi now? Will everything that I will cook on that pan in the future be assur to […]

leading the funeral and saying Kaddish

Question: About leading the funeral and saying Kaddish: We had a funeral in a Kehila, and instead of the regular Rabbi they had an apprentice Rabbi Student , around 20 years old, leading the service, later came out that the youngster still had his parents , so he is not entitled to say Kadish. The […]

When heading the catskills from Boro Park where is the correct place to say Tefillas Haderech?

Question: If one is headed to the catskill mountains from Boro Park where is the correct place to say Tefillas Haderech? Thanks Answer: You should say Tefilas Haderech either after the Washington Bridge or even on it. Sources: Skvere Dayan shlit”a

Cut down a crabapple tree?

Question: Since crabapples are not usually eaten. And you also said, one cannot make a Birkas Ha’ilanos on it, since you considered it an Ilan Srak. Can one cut down a crabapple tree in his property? Thank you very much! Answer: Please see the following post, where your question was discussed. Best Wishes Sources:  

Washing meat spoon used for DE pareve desert in meat dishwasher

Question: After our meat meal, we cleared table and brought out pareve DE ice cream. We served ice cream with a meat spoon. Then we put the meat serving spoon in dishwasher and washed it with meat dishes. Is this permitted? Or is the dishwasher considered like a cooking utensil and the spoon would need […]

I used dairy stuff to eat food that had meat in it

Question: I used a dairy spoon to put food with meat in it into a dairy bowl. The food was in a meat pan out of which I served myself. I put the serving spoon on my dairy sink protector and started eating the food with another dairy spoon. I don’t think any of the […]

Prayer said after chatzos (midday)

Question: If a prayer was said a few minutes passed chatzot, does it still count in G-d’s eyes or simply not anymore? (In terms of Shacharit). Answer: The time for shacharis essentially is until the end of the 4th hour of the day, b’dieved one may still daven shacharis until midday, however after chatzos one […]

When setting the table on Shabbos, is one permitted to make a fancy napkin presentation ?

Question: When setting the table on Shabbos with napkins, is one permitted to make a fancy napkin presentation rather than a simply fold? For example, to create a rose shape or a crown shape? Can one create a decorative presentation that is not meant to represent anything? For example, a pouch shape (where the utensils […]

Eating and Drinking while extended cycling

Question: While on extended bike rides lasting 2 hours or more without stopping , sometimes over 4 hours, we are constantly eating dried fruits or other sources of carbs including Mezunous products sometimes like Fig bars, etc.. Is one brochu at the start enough for during the whole ride, and do you lose your brochu […]

Required to tovel an electric hot pot owned and used by a goy?

Question: Do I need to tovel an electric hot pot that is used for hot water that is owned and used by a goy? I am staying in a summer rental apartment in Switzerland that has an electric hotpot and I would like to use it for boiling water for hot drinks. Answer: There is […]

What if someone missed saying Kaddish?

Question: What if someone missed saying Kaddish? Answer: If someone missed saying kaddish it is still possible to say kaddish at another minyan. If there isn’t any other minyan, I don’t know of any sources that talk about a way to make it up. There are however other things that one can do l’iluy lishama, […]

Using Product photos from the internet

Question: I sell tools on my website which I purchase from an authorized distributor. Manufacturers create high-quality photographs of their tools and make them available to distributors. My distributor passes on the images to its re-sellers but the quality of the image is degraded by the time I get it so I go to amazon […]

May one purchase a sale item during nine days if it will be shipped after Tisha B’Av?

Question: May one purchase a sale item online during nine days if it will only be shipped after Tisha B’Av? The item in question is a vacuum. Answer: We are not allowed to buy things during the nine days, even if it will only be used after T’bav. However if the sale will not be […]