Bariatric (sleeve) surgery reduces the capacity of the stomach to around 150 gms (say 20% of normal), and the dieticians advise to eat every 3 hours. Does the smaller volume mean I could wait only 3 hours between meat and milk?
The minhag is to wait six hours, however for a person that is sick and needs to eat the other type earlier, he may be lenient after one hour (but he has to bentch, rinse and wipe his mouth out). Therefore in our case if he needs to eat the milchigs after three hours he may, but otherwise he should wait. If she is eating
Pischei Teshuva Y:D 89-3 in the name of Chasam Sofer, Chochmas Adom 40-13, Ohel Yackov 89-ftnt 33.
Additional reading:
- Deep fryer used for fleishigs, that was used for French fries, am I fleishigs or milichigs?
- If you ate milchigs after fleishigs, are you still fleishigs?
- Dental floss pulled out a piece of meat — am I fleishik?
- Time between meat and dairy
- Waiting by dishes cooked together with meat
- Kombucha Kashrus
- Status of dips made in meaty blender