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Order of importance of Davening


I recently asked a question  about the order of importance for davening for a women who is short on time, and your answer was very helpful- thank you.

  1. In your answer you mentioned that if short on time, a women should say Pesukei Dezimra ( at least some or all the Hallelukas) over the 3 paragraphs of Shema, and not say any of the tfillot after Shmona Esrei.
    I’m wondering if this is required?- if for instance I say the Hallelukas, but not the rest of P’D, can I not say all of Shema? Or Ashrei and Aleinu? Must I stick to the list of importance and leave out everything that is less required if I don’t say all of the parts that are of higher importance?
  2. I’m also wondering – I was saying the Hallelukas and realized j forgot Ashrei! Should I go back and recite it when I noticed I forgot, and if so, after reciting it, do I resume where I was on davening, or do I need to repeat whatever was said after the place Ashrei should have been?



  1. Let’s clarify things. A woman should say Pesukei D’zimra in the morning, but if she is pressed for time she can say only Boruch Sh’amar, Ashrei and Yishtabach. If she has more time she should say some or all of the Halellukas. The basics of Pesukei D’zimra is more important for her to say then Shema, but if she does have more time she should rather say part of Shema then the Halellukas. Regarding everything after Shemona Esrei, she is not obligated to say them, certainly not Tachanun. Regarding the other parts after Shemona Esrei, she may say them, but if she is short on time, she should rather say more of Pesukei D’zimra then those parts. See the attachment to your previous question.
  2. Finish the paragraph that you are in middle of, then go back and say Ashrei, then continue from where to were up to.


  1. Poskim
  2. Shulchan Aruch O”CH 51-7, M:B 51-16, Yabia Omer 6-5, Piskei Teshuvos 51-17.

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