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Repeating words for kavanah


When a person prays Shomonah Esrei or Pesukie Dizimra for example can you repeat words multiple times in order to enhance kavaanah? Does this include G-ds name Ado—-? I find that this will enhance my kavanah.What about when says Tehillim? Can you answer all these questions?



The words should not be repeated, but you should say them once with the best kavana hat you can. When we daven Shemona Esrei, Pesukei Dzimra or even when saying tehillim we should picture in our mind that we are talking to Hashem. Imagine someone talking to you someone and he is telling you “You’re the greatest person, person, person I have, have ever, ever met” “Can you please lend, lend lend me your car, car, for a few, few hours, hours”. Even when talking to Hashem and we will say “someich noflim” you support, support, support, the fallen, the fallen”, it sounds terrible, and it isn’t derech eretz to talk that way. Yes, even if you feel that it will enhance your kavana, but he words have to be said correctly. This is why the poskim write strongly against the chazzanim who repeat words in middle of the davening. Aside from this, the teffilos, including Tehillim have tremendous segulos to them, and part of it is the number of words, and saying the posuk correctly, and by repeating words, this aspect is getting ruined. Regarding davening or saying a bracha, it is even worse because then the text of the bracha is being changed. Needless to say that repeating Hashem’s name the is saying Hashem’s name in vain! If you need a little more for the extra kavana, you can think the word again without actually saying it.

Best wishes


Maharam Shick O:CH 31, Igros Moshe O:CH 2-22, Mekor Chaim ( Chavas Yair) 61 Kitzur Halachos 11, Piskei Teshuvos 51-6.

Best wishes


Maharam Shick O:CH 31, Igros Moshe O:CH 2-22, Mekor Chaim ( Chavas Yair) 61 Kitzur Halachos 11, Piskei Teshuvos 51-6.


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