Thank you very much for your service - this is a big to'eles!
This is a follow up to my original question which you answered here:
1) Did the fact that I described the (possible) nedarim/minhagim tovim in general terms before the hatoras nedarim, help make the hatoras nedarim valid?
I was embarrassed to tell the 'judges' what they were specifically, so instead I said how 'there are certain things I try to learn or say and whilst they are good things I don't want them to have the effect of a neder'.
The things I had in mind were:
* If I have a wet dream, I try to say tikkun klali before shkia (this may have the force of a neder as a minhag tov). I wanted the hatoras nedarim to annul any 'neder' to need to say the tikun klali before shkia. After the hatoras nedarim, I realised I didn't want any 'neder' to 'need' to say tikun klali bichlal (i.e. to not need to say it at all) following a wet dream.
* I do nach yomi 6 days a week and chazzara over shabbos (I have a similar system with dirshu mishna berura). I realised there may be a force of a neder if I ever want to miss a day (/not do chazarra) and wanted this 'requirement' to be annulled.
* I try not to learn (nor do any distracting activities) during kaddish, kedusha and chazaras hashatz etc. I'm concerned this may have a form of a neder.
Would you say I need to do a new hatoras nedarim on any of the above possible nedarim/minhagim tovim?
2) According to your response to my second question (of my original questions), if one subsequently remembers nedarim that he did not think about at the time of the hatora, are they annulled?
e.g. there are things I think about from time to time (that may be nedarim) and they hadn't crossed my mind this past erev rosh hashana (but wouldn't go as far as to say that I had 'forgotten' them) and afterwards I remembered them - were they included in the hatoras nedarim? An example of this would be regularly going to mikve on erev shabbos or after a wet dream
Much appreciated.
- If the kabolos were not said verbally, rather they became nedarim because you did them a number of times, then saying the general fact that you have sedarim, without specifying what they are is enough.
- What you are righting is correct, these examples would be included. It should be reiterated that this doesn’t mean that you should stop doing what you were doing until now, just that you want to rid yourself in regard to the stigma of it being a neder.