Good afternoon. I want to eat rice from Yeshiva dining room. Do I have to be concerned that people touched the spoon on to their plate of chicken and now rice is fleishig?
Question 2 - even if I saw someone touch spoon to plate with chicken would I say that it is boutel? Or would it make me fleishig?
Thank you for your question.
You can eat the rice, and if you suspect that some meat touched it, then don't eat it with milk, but you don't have to wait 6 hours.
Best wishes
Additional reading:
- Plastic utensils for milk and meat
- Milky pot and meaty cover
- Washing meat spoon used for DE pareve desert in meat dishwasher
- Baking Parve in a Fleishig Oven and eating it with dairy
- Warm milk in a dough recipe
- Plastic Container used to store cooked meat..
- Dairy tomato soup poured into a meaty ninja slow cooker which had not been used for a week.