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Must Shabbos Candles be Lit for Shabbos?

In Hilchos Channukah (OC Siman 675 Sif 1 — See also there Mishneh Brurah Sif-Katan 3.) We learn that if one lit Channukah candles (for the mitzvah) from the day before and they stayed lit until the following day still he must extinguish the candle(s) and re-light it now for the sake of the mitzvah […]

Question on Muktzeh

Hi. I have a few questions. 1. There is an online company that has a promotion: get your first eyeglasses FREE. Registration/Identity is based on an email address. Is it permitted to use multiple email addresses to get multiple free glasses? The company is well-aware that this is possible. – where do we say the […]

Stitching Up Tzitzis

Dear Rabbis, I wear tzitzit tucked in. However I find it very difficult to keep them that way! Seemingly no matter how large a pair I buy (I’ve tried up to XXL) a corner of the beged and/or the tzitziot themselves always manage to somehow pop out, which looks ridiculous (I’m often in a non-frum […]

Chidon Tanach

Is it OK for a shomer torah to participate in the Chidon Hatanach for adults, being held in Israel this Chanukah, by the Ministry of Education in conjunction with the Jewish Agency. Answer: Yes, this is fine. Although there might also be non-observant participants, I don’t see this as a reason to avoid participating, and […]

Parshios Upside Down

Someone went to get their tefillin checked before their chasanah and discovered the parshiyos in the Tefillin Shel Yad was put in upside down. The M”B and SA HaRav both say this is pasul even b’dieved. Are there however any poskim that say this is kosher b’dieved? (I realize their is shitas R”T that says […]

Speaking in Kaddish

In Shulchan Orach Siman 124 Sif 7 the machaber speaks about how bad it is to speak during Chazaras HaShatz. The Shulchan Aruch HaRav over there in Siman 124 in Sif 10 writes that someone who talks in a shul when the time the tzibbur is “oskin b’shivcho shel makom” that he makes himself as […]