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Time limitations on a co-signed check

Question: How long is the statute of limitations on a co-signed check that the signer didn’t pay and he closed the account for a check of 2,000 shekels 30 years ago. Now the co-signer wanted to renew his Israeli passport and they won’t let him because they want $10,000. Aren’t there laws in the Torah […]

Joint Kiddush with for two sisters’ simchas

Question: Is there an issue for two sisters both celebrating birth of a baby girl to have joint kiddush? Thank you Answer: Mazal tov to the whole family! I don’t think that there is any issue with doing that. The issue would be because of ayn mearvin simcha bsimcha, however that only applies to making […]

Birchas HaMazon motzei Rosh Chodesh

Question: Hi My son asked the following question. He washed and ate bread before shekia on Rosh Chodesh. He is about to go to Maariv and remembers he didn’t yet Bench. If he Benches now, he will be a few minutes late to Maariv. If he Benches later he will run into issue of saying […]

Attending a football match during avelus for a father

Question: My boyfriend and I split up but he said he wished he could talk to me. Unfortunately there is no regular minyan in my town. His avelus ends in a few months. I found that on the bank holiday weekend there will be s visiting delegation from a yeshiva with their rabbi so we […]

If I nap during the day do I say mode ani when i wake up?

Question: if i nap during the day do i say mode ani when i wake up or just wash neigel vasser? Answer: Just wash negel vasser. We only say mode ani after the main sleep of the day, which is the nighttime sleep. Sources: See Aderes Tiferes -1 who discusses your question, and one of […]

Blood in Breastmilk from pumping, are the plastic parts treif?

Question: When pumping, blood was noticed in the parts and in the milk. We use the microwave to sterilize the parts. Are they now treif and we cannot sterilize them using the microwave? Can we use microwave if we just wash them in cold water? Answer: The parts are still permitted to use and they do not […]

Non jewish employees in India who elect to work on Shabbos

Question: Is it permissible to hire non-Jewish employees (doing computer programming) in India engaged to any 6 days of the week if I am aware that they will most likely work on Shabbos vs work on a Sunday? Answer: It is permitted because the gentile has elected on his own to work, for his own […]

Why do we use different utensils for meat and milk?

Question: Why do we use different utensils for meat and milk? Answer:   The reason that we use different utensils for milk and meat is because when a utensil is used with hot or spicy food, it absorbs its taste. That taste can then get transferred to food of the opposite type. For example, if […]

The use of credit/debit cards on Shabbos

Question: A rabbinical student told me that their use is permitted on the Sabbath as no money changes hands. It is just a promise that the bank will pay at a later time. I disagreed and said swiping the card causes an electronic spark(s). He said that handing over a credit card to the cashier […]

Can a Rebbe who is in aveilus for a parent, go to his students bar mitzvas?

Question: Can a Rebbe who is in aveilus for a parent, go to his students bar mitzvas? Answer: He can attend the bar mitzva, but in a limited manner. He may attend, but he should not wear shabbos clothing, (unless his weekday clothing is not presetable). He should not partake in the meal, but he […]

Can a zeidy who is in aveilus for a parent, attend the bris of a grandson?

Question: Can a zeidy who is in aveilus for a parent, attend the bris of a grandson? Answer: A zeidy who is in aveuilus may attend his grandsons bris. He may also wear shabbos clothing, however he must remove then after the meal. Sources: The laws of Aveilus quoting Tziuney Halacha pg. 485.

Maple syrup left out over pesach

Question: If one left maple syrup over pesach out in the open and then realized after pesach about it must one burn it or what should he do? Answer: Maple syrup does not contain any chometz, but it can contain kitnios. Although the minhag Ashkenaz is not to eat kitnois on Pesach nevertheless we may […]

May one start shmoneh esrei during a mincha kitzarah if he knows he won’t make Kaddish

Question: If one is davening a mincha kitzarah and he knows he won’t be able to finish shmoneh esrei before they say Kaddish shulaim, may he start shmoneh esrei or do we say amen yihei shmei rabbah is udif Answer: Essentially your question applies even when one is davening a regular shmona esrei by shacharis […]

Waiting by dishes cooked together with meat

Question: If II baked kugel with yapchik(meat kugel) both open together do I have to wait 6 hrs if I eat just the plain kugel? Answer: You do not have to wait 6 hours after eatig the kugel. The reason is because the kugel was only connected to the meaty yapthick through zeah (steam), and […]

Fleishig microwave that ws used for dairy farina that spilled over, can it be kashered?

Question: I have a fleishig microwave my child put a open container dairy farina it’s spilled over, is there any way I can use the microwave again for fleishig. Answer: In general it is adviseable to have two microwaves, and not to use it for milk and meat even if the two will be covered […]

Is one allowed to sleep in a room with Christian icons which are being worshipped?

Question: Is one permitted to sleep in a room/house where there are idolatrous images on the walls, such as JC, virgin Mary, etc. (which are being worshipped – the inhabitants pray to them)? Answer: Before getting into the technical halachic aspect if it is permitted or not, it is surely not advisable to stay there […]

Is it allowed to play music (for dancing) during the Sefirat Ha Omer?

Question: By dancing, I don’t mean at a party, I mean if you’re a dancer. I’m not a professional dancer, but I dance almost every day, it’s my hobby and it’s already very difficult for me not to dance during yom tov or shabbat. Not listening to music and dancing for 33 days would be […]

Sources in chazal about the unique impact a Jew has on the world

Question: Hello Rabbi, Could you tell me some sources in Chazal that discuss the unique impact a Jew has on the world (that no other creation has), like the one that says the world would cease to exist if a Torah wasn’t being learn. Thank you! Answer: If you would like to see numerous sources […]

Answering a Jewishly-incorrect answer on standardized testing

Question: I was studying for an exam and a practice problem asked about the similarities between the Torah and the Code of Hammurabi, and asked what is the most likely reason for them. It was multiple choice format. The practice booklet said the “correct” answer is that the Torah (Hebrew Bible) borrowed from Hammurabi, clearly […]

Have science and archaeology improved our understanding of Tenach

Question: Hope you had a good Pesach. Can you think of phrases or passages in Tenach that have been understood better in light of archaeological or scientific discoveries? The link throws some light on the phrase “Strong hand and outstretched arm” Answer: I can not access the link that you sent. Regarding your question, […]

Attending a wedding during Sefira

Question: A close friend of mine observes the latter mourning period of Sefira, beginning after Rosh Chodesh. I observe the earlier period, ending with Lag Ba’omer. My friend is getting married before Rosh Chodesh. May I attend the wedding? Thank you! Answer: Yes you may attend. R’ Moshe Feinstein explains that the reason is because […]

Pesach in time of Beis Hamikdash

Question: I was wondering how we understand whether during the First or Second Temple what was going on in Yerushalayim at the time of Pesach. Let’s assume there were half a million people or more coming in. Where was there sufficient locations for each separate chabura of 30 people to be together to eat a […]

Status of children of a convert who never kept mitsvot

Question: B”H Shalom K’vod Ha Rav, I am writing you to ask you a question regarding my situation. My father Z”L was Israeli and halachically Jewish. He wasn’t observant however, although he was very knowledgeable on Halacha. My mother is a convert (she did an orthodox giyur, registered with the — Beit Din). Yet, in line […]

Cleansing a synagogue sanctuary

Question: What does a congregation do when an animal soils the inside of a shul? Answer: It should be cleaned up as soon as possible. There are certain animals that their refuse does not have a bad odor, such as dog poop, and technically will not disturb the prayers if it doesn’t smell bad, nevertheless […]

Shave on Erev pesach

Question: Is there a heter to shave Erev Pesach after chatzos (without a goy)? Answer: I didn’t receive your question until it was already Yom Tov in E. Yisroel… but at least you’ll have the answer for next year. In most instances it is not permitted. The reason being that erev Pesach is considered like […]