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Are you allowed to thank for shla’ach manot?

Question: I thought that you were not allowed to say thank you for meshlo’ach manot. Is that true? Answer: I don’t think this is true. The reason we give shalach manos is to enhance friendship among Klal Yisroel, and if we are not going to reciprocate and say thank you, firstly we are showing that […]

Confusion about the status of Tupperware’s

Question: My mother found milchig Tupperware covers and containers in the fleishig cabinet and she doesn’t know if the cleaning lady washed them in the milchig sink or just by mistake put them away there and really washed them in the milchig sink. Can she still use them for milchigs? Answer: You can still use […]

What is the Bracha on millet that is grounded?

Question: Is regular millet the same Bracha for grounded millet? Answer: The bracha on ground foods (unless it is the norm for it to be eaten ground up) is shehakol, with the exception of the five grains, which will be mezonos, therefore the bracha on ground millet will be shehakol. Best Wishes Sources: Shulchan Aruch […]

Does Beer/Liquor need a hechsher

Question: Does Beer from Germany need a hechsher? In general does liquor or beer need a hechsher? Answer: In general if the beer is unflavored and is produced in a factory that produces only unflavored beer then it wouldn’t need a hechsher (aside for issues of chodosh when applicable). Please see the following links. and  according […]

Dressing properly when entering a shul

Question: Dear Rabbi, Yireh is determined by our attire. I visit shuls with incompetant dress. One man arrives in shorts. Others maybe untidy attire. Few ever even a tie. What is reasonable in minyans that can meet daily? Seemingly a shirt and pants minimum. The reform I once knew left a more orthodox impression than […]

Kel maleh rachamim for parent’s yahrtziet in Nissan

Question: Dea Rabbi, I have yahrtzeit for a parent on the 5th of Nissan. I am aware during Nissan we do not say the kel maleh rachamim prayer for the departed. Therefore when is the appropriate time for me to ask the Rabbi to say the prayer? Should it be on shabbos mevorchim Nissan? Answer: […]

Can I use a gift card from a non-Jew that has holiday theme printed on it?

Question: I received some gift cards from some non-Jews near the non-Jewish holiday season, and I asked everyone to give me birthday presents instead. some of the gift cards i received to big box stores/chains have non-Jewish holiday themes printed on them. may i use the value on the gift cards to purchase online? what […]

Is a Goy living in Israel required to take Chalah?

Question: A non-Jew living in Israel and selling bread, is he supposed to take chalah? And if not, is a Jew allowed to buy this bread that was baked in Israel without chalah taken? Thank you Answer: Dough that was owned by the non- Jew at the time that it was kneaded has no requirement […]

Appropriate way to approach mechila?

Question: I have a teshuva question. When I was in yeshiva, shortly after becoming more religious, Rav Eliyashiv z’l passed away. The yeshiva went to be melaveh Rav Elyashiv, along with many others. I did not appreciate the mitzah and minhag to be mivatel learning to escort a gadol and did not appreciate the situation […]

Concerts and amusement parks

Question: The MB (307,16) laments how people waste their time by going to circuses and the theater, and are moshav leitzim. What would be the approach to today’s concerts – either with a frum performer or an orchestra just playing classical music? And what about an amusement park that has rides? Would it depend on […]

Oops I used a meat utensil with my cheese

Question: I used a meat spatula (silicone) to flip my cheesy egg in my cheese pan. I threw away the spatula. Do I also throw away my cheese pan? Answer: You did correctly by throwing the spatula away. Regarding the egg and the pan, if the spatula was not used within 24 hours. then they […]

Doubling my maaser with “matching”

Question: If i donate money to a campaign that has someone else match my donation, can i take the doubled amount off my Chiyuv Maaser? Answer: No you can’t. You are not giving the other money, but are only causing that money to be given. Additionally it was from someone else’s money. You do have […]

Inherited IRA and giving maaser

Question: My situation and then the question: I am 69 years old and retired. I was recently diagnosed with cancer. My only family (3 siblings) live out of state. My social security and disability income (unrelated to cancer) meets a portion of my monthly expenses. I have been making withdrawals from my 401k to cover […]

Be mechalel shabbos or I’m committing suicide

Question: A not religious mother tells her baal teshuva son – “I will commit suicide unless you are mechallel Shabbos.” Is he allowed to be mechallel Shabbos? Answer: R’ Y. Zilberstein shlit”a has said many times, that we do not abstain from doing mitzvos, because of people’s threats. The other person can do whatever he […]

Schar shabbos when I was not frum

Question: Reuven and Shimon are not frum Jews. Reuven hired Shimon to do work on Shabbos. Next week, Reuven became frum. Shimon demands to be paid for the work he did. Can Reuven pay him for working on Shabbos? It is schar Shabbos. Answer: It is sechar Shabbos but nevertheless Reuvain has to give shimon […]

Can we speak to a person that flew on Shabbos?

Question: A relative flew from USA to London on shabbos. Can we speak to them after shabbos in London from the same tome zone. Answer: It is permitted. The reason is that although the person did melacha on shabbos, but it isn’t as if they made something for you that you would not be allowed […]

Is there a source in halacha of mitzvah of kibud av by foster parents?

Question: Is there a source in halacha of mitzvah of kibud av by foster parents? Answer: Essentially a foster child is not obligated in the mitzva of kibud av v’em, because the foster parents did not bore her. However the child is obligated to show them respect because of hakaras hatov because they brought him […]

Paying back time from hourly work

Question: 10-15 years ago, I engaged in hourly work for non-Jews in the Chicagoland area. While I cannot remember specifically not working honestly, I suspect that at some points in time, my work ethic may not have been to the standards that I currently consider to be appropriate. I don’t have the name of any […]

Kashrus of donkey born to a kosher animal

Question: Hi. Ive heard of some Gemara maybe Chullin or a chazal somewhere else that a camel or donkey born from a kosher animal may be permitted to eat. Where is the source? Answer: It is a gemora in Bechoros 5, and brought in Shulchan Aruch Y:D 79-2. It is only permitted if we saw […]

Eating before kiddush or fasting on Shabbos

Question: I am eating by someone on Shabbos and I know I won’t get there till after chatzos. I forgot to drink before davening. Should I drink water after davening (without Kiddush)? No wine is available in my present location. Answer: You have to wait until after kiddush, even if it means that you didn’t […]

Garlic cut with meaty knife and fried in milky pan

Question: I used a clean fleishig knife to cut off the top of my of garlic cloves, then put them in my garlic press. Then emptied the garlic into a hot dairy frying pan with oil and other parve ingredients. What is the status of the food, and the pot? Answer: Since the garlic was […]