Shalom Aleichem,
Is reciting just and only Ashrei 145 and Uva letzion/Kedusha desidra at the end of Shacharis alright (While always omitting lamnatzeach 20) for one davening alone at home ? I also only recite vidui and dont recite tachanun in mornings due to time constraints.
Kol tuv
- At the end of davening, between Ashrei and Uva L’tzion, we should be saying Lamnatzeiach 20. One of the reasons we say it, says Avudraham, is because the Shemona Esrei which is 18 brachos, corresponds to the 19 first chapters of Psalms (the first two are considered one). This is why at the end of chapter 19 it ends with the words "יהיו לרצון אמרי פי...", that the words of my mouth should be accepted… This is the what we say at the end of Shemona Esrei, when we ask that Hashem accept of our prayer. Right after that we say Tehillim 20 which is "יענך ד'" that Hashem should indeed answer your prayers. The reason we don’t say on certain days, such as Rosh Chodesh, Shabbos Yom Tov, Purim, etc. is because saying the words "ביום צרה" “on the day of my anguish” doesn’t fit in to the atmosphere of the day. These are happy days, and not days of anguish, therefore we don’t say it on those days. If you are in a rush, maybe consider starting a minute or two earlier, so you can include this in your davening.
- If you are in a rush, say the tachanun part and not the viduy part. The main part of tachanun is the paragraph "רוחם וחנון" and the posuk that precedes it, therefore they are more important than the viduy part, if you can’t say the whole thing. In fact, the Ashkenaz minhag in many shuls is to say tachanun without the viduy.
Best wishes