I made a pareve bread in dairy bowl. I made a lemon herb butter to spread onto the raw dough before baking, but accidentally used a fleishig kitchen scissor to cut herbs and a fleishig grater to grate lemon rind. I already assembled the bread with the herbed butter - can I still put in dairy oven or need to throw out?
You should not use the butter spread, because the lemon has the absorbed taste of the fleishig grater absorbed in it, and it can not be heated up with the butter.
Best wishes
Additional reading:
- Drinking out of a plastic bottle during a milk meal when it was used for a meat.
- 2 people eating at the same table
- drinking from milky cup after eating meat
- Coffee spilled on Fleishig bowl
- Cooked a parve food in a parve oven with a fleishig pan and parchment paper
- A smoker and milk/meat use
- Kashering oven