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Overnight a package on Shabbos

Question: Can you go to post office right before Shabbos and overnight a package where there is guaranteed delivery on Saturday by noon. Please explain and give sources. Secondly,If you are staying in hotel and boss jonnie tells his non-Jewish worker they forgot to plug in the warmer . Go plug in now so they […]

Chazaras hashatz without six people who davened

Question: Can one daven Chazaras Hashatz if there were not even six people who davened SE together? Does it make a difference if it is anyway after the zman tefilla? Answer: If the fifth person didn’t daven together with the other five they can not say Chazoras Hashatz. Sources: Ishei Yisroel 34-9 ftnt. 25 pg. […]

Using Maaser money to pay for seminary

Question: Is one allowed to use maaser money to send a daughter to seminary if one lives on a small budget? Answer: Yes one can. However the amount of money that the father is saving because the seminary is feeding his daughter, which he would do for her if she would be living at home […]

Buying Tefillin with Masser Money

Question: BS”D Shalom dear Rabbi, Question: I give my masser every month in the Jewish community, can I take the money from the masser I give to buy a tefilin? Answer: If the tefillin is for yourself you cannot take it, because we do not use ma’aser money for mitzvos that we are anyways obligated […]

May a parent dispose/use items of children under the age of bar-mitzva?

Question: Many times the mother cleans the house and would like to clear out all the junk which children are want to hoard. Another common situation is where the child brings home a danish and just leaves it with no intention, (or even with an intention to save it indefinitely). May these items be treated […]

chesed at the expense of tefilla b’tzibbur

Question: If one is asked to come to a certain place to help them with a minyan, but one knows that they are not makpid on having asara mispallelim, whereas I would strongly prefer to daven in a place that has asara mispallelim as is required by Rav Moshe, Rav Shlomo Zalmen, the Brisker Rav, […]

Cologne for men – lo yilbash?

Question: Is there a problem for men to wear cologne. Is there an issue wearing it during dates or at weddings/special events? Answer: Nowadays there are many men that wear cologne, therefore halachically it isn’t Lo Tilbash for a man to wear men’s cologne, (but not a women’s perfume). However hashkafically it should be done in […]

What is “Be’maizid” – deliberate when it comes to an avaira?

Question: What constitutes doing an avaira bemaizid – for example bishul on shabbos; 1) If a person is an atheist, is he a maizid? 2) If he believes in Gd, but doesnt believe the Torah is min hashamayim – is that maizid? (I am not referring to a tinok shenishba) Answer: The assumption here is […]

Coffee in the middle of davening

Question: If one is in the middle of pesukei di’zimrah or birchos kerias shema and one feels tired and is falling asleep, is it permissible to stop and have a cup of coffee to help one stay awake? Answer: This is something that should be taken care of before we start davening, (during davening is […]

Playing with child prior to davening shacharis

Question: Sometimes my one and a half year old daughter wakes up in the morning before I have a chance to daven shacharis. My wife is still sleeping at the time, so I don’t want my daughter to cry or go and wake her up. I watch my daughter for some time until I go […]

Hefsek between netilas yadayim and hamotzi

Question: When washing netilas yadayim for bread, sometimes there is no bread available near the washing station on which to make hamotzi. For instance, this might come up by a wedding when the washing station might be on one side of the ballroom, and the person’s table with the bread is on the other side […]


Question: peace, was אֵלִיָּהוּ ha’navi married at all? the catholics claim, that he was not. but i don’t know if that is true indeed. sincerely, Answer: According to one opinion, Pinchas was Eliyahu, and we all know that Pinchas was married, Bireishis Rabba 2. Even according to those who don’t agree with this, it still […]

Listening to ambient music during aveilus

Question: During the year of mourning for a parent, is it permissible to listen to the so called “ambient” music, which is not really music but sounds, often repetitive, played at a low volume, to fill the silence of a room. It is used to help concentration and to help me fall asleep at night. […]

Power outage and raw chulent

Question: My shul has the practice of making the chulent right before shabbos. This week the power went out 10 minutes before shabbos and turned back on during bein hashmashos. 1. Is the raw chulent ossur since it wasn’t cooked and we aren’t dealing with any chazara and a complete davar lach (very liquid chulent […]

Bugs in ground coffee

Question: Dear Rabbonim, I read recently that it’s a little known food industry truth that ground coffee contains — sorry to gross people out — ground up cockroaches. (Source: Basically, the article claims (citing a podcast interview with a professor) that coffee bean stashes are prone to infestation and, as there is no industrial […]

Creating a miyad situation by borer

Question: If one has a mixture of different hand towels and would like to separate one to put away for later, this would seem to be a problem of borer. Would an acceptable solution be to wash one’s hands (even if they are not dirty and one would otherwise have no reason to wash them) […]