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Non-Jew doing work on Yontif

Question: Sorry – I asked this before, but the reply said I wasn’t clear. Let me try again: Let’s say a Shul has Kids Minyanim in the basement on Rosh Hashana, that Parents pre-register their Kids for. For security purposes, the shul has 2 non-Jewish employees to check the kids into the minyanim on RH. […]

Unveiling Ceremony for Temporary Headstone

Question: My family is trying to arrange an unveiling ceremony for our mother, a”h. Unfortunately, the company the cemetery uses to make the headstones does sloppy work, and we’ve had to return the headstone twice because it was unacceptable (the name was correct but the letters weren’t sized properly, etc.). My question is this: Are […]

How can I find out where is the upper limit for placing the tefillin shel rosh?

Question: How can I find out where makom shemocho shel tinok rofeis is with regard to the upper limit of the tefillin shel rosh? Answer: The Tur writes that makom shemocho shel tinok rofeis is the whole top of the head, (obviously it still has to be in the center of the head, between the […]

Online bank payment on Shabbos or yom tov

Question: When I receive my credit card statement I immediately schedule the payment that the credit card should take the money out of my account on the due date. I don’t check to see what the Jewish date is. Is there a problem as all parts of the payment process are done by computer. ? […]

Confessing on Rosh Hashanah

Question: Is it true that we’re not supposed to confess on Rosh Hashanah itself? If so, what a person do when they feel pain over their aveiros on Rosh Hashanah and they feel a strong urge to confess to Hashem and express their deep remorse? Should they hold it inside and focus on Hashem’s kingship, […]

Visiting a parents grave during Elul.

Question: What should be said or read from a Siddur or a Hamadrich when going to the grave of a parent? Answer: There isn’t anything specific that has to be said, and you can say anything that you feel is appropriate. Many people have certain Psalms that they say. They are 33,16,17,72,91,104,130, then the spelling […]

Marrying someone who is physically incapable of having children

Question: Is it permissible for one to marry someone who, due to some medical treatment to save their life, is physically incapable of having children? Answer: It is very good that you are asking and trying to find out what you are supposed to do. This is a serious question, and the answer can only […]

Can a contractor charge me for work without telling me the price

Question: I hired a contractor to finish my basement. Along the way I added to the job. the contractor did not advise me that I would be charged more for the work I added along the way. Am I required to pay the total bill submitted which includes an additional charge for the added work? […]

What is the issur for a lady to go mixed swimming if she is fully dressed?

Question: Is it assur for an older lady fully dressed with SHVIM KLEIDER to go swimming with older non jewish and irreligious jewish men? Answer: It is incorrect (and according to some poskim assur) for her to go to a mixed swimming pool even when she is fully dressed. The poskim say that it is […]


Question: Good day, So far the question was not found by me in the archive. Traditionally Birthday wasn’t celebrated. Nowadays… Isn’t partying birthday only hedonistic? sincerely Answer: You are right. Some of the practices done at birthday parties are hedonistic see . However celebrating a person’s birthday, is a matter of controversy. There were gedolim who […]

Is it a problem for me to take out a loan and my father cosigns it?

Question: Is it a problem for me to take out a loan and my father cosigns it? Answer: If the loan is from a gentile there is no problem with doing that. You are liable for the interest, as it was your loan, and your father is like any cosigner, which is permitted if there […]

Conversion without sincerity

Question: In many traditional but secular Jewish communities, although shabbas and kashrus are not kept, marrying a Jew is of utmost importance. Many Jewish singles I know are dating non Jews. Many of these non Jews are in the conversion process currently via an orthodox Beis Din so they can marry their secular Jewish fiancé. […]

are there any ribit issues if i use my mothers credit card.

Question: Are there any ribit issues if I use my mothers credit card. the credit card company may charge interest and if I use it then my mom pays the bill with interest on my behalf. is that a problem? Answer: If you are paying the interest of your mothers credit card bill, yes that would […]

Can a Jew lend the money of a non-Jewish?

Question: If a lender is Jewish but his investor is a non-jew, can a Jew borrow money with interest from him since hundred percent of the money is from a non-jew? Answer: My apologies that it took some time to get back to you. Regarding your question, even though the investor is a non-Jew the […]

Changing teapots between: Dairy, Parve, and Meat?

Question: Is one simple teapot – Allowed to be used for all three settings. For instance, for breakfast (dairy), Parve (keep’n an isolation from dairy and meat) Dinner (meat). May one teapot be of use for all three settings or a person must obtain three different kinds of teapots? Alternatively, cups must be changed but […]

Are “machlif tzvaim” or “flip sequins” a problem on Shabbos/Yom Tov.

Question: We were wondering if this new craze of flip sequins is a problem on Shabbos/Yom Tov. We have a pillow that you can really draw/write things in because of the way the flip sequins work. Is this considered writing from a halachic point of view? Thanks Answer: Yes it would be halachically considered writing. […]

Holding the Arba Minim during davening?

Question: With the exception of the Amidah and Chazarat HaShatz, is it inappropriate to continue holding on to the Arbaa Minim during the other parts of Tefilla? During Keriat HaTorah/Haftorah? Alenu L’Shabeach? Thank you. Answer: Technically we are allowed to hold the Arba Minim during the whole davening, even during Shemona Esrei. Even though usually […]

Any Halacha for salt and black pepper built in shakers?

Question: This product is a salt and black pepper shaker/crusher (inserted already by the manufacturer company). On this particular item, there doesn’t exist any sorts of kosher symbol (on the package). But, since it’s not a food rather spices – Maybe an exception here can be applied of use anyway? I’m confused of how to […]

Does an etrog need ‘ma’aser’ before use in ‘arbah minim’?

Question: Does an etrog need ‘ma’aser’ before use in ‘arbah minim’ Answer: Yes, an esrog that grew in E. Yisroel needs have terumos u’maasros taken from it before it can be used. The reason is because the esrog has to be permitted to eat in order for it to be kosher to use for the […]

Do I have to worry that my employers scales are not correct?

Question: Okay so I am in a workplace that is a restaurant and I use scales to measure how much meat there is. Is it my responsibility to check the scales? This is a certified orthodox restaurant that the owner is G-d fearing. I’m trying to say is there anything I need to do not […]

Checking tefillin if they were left in the heat

Question: I am super paranoid of tefillin checking. I checked my tefillin after I just got it and they said the writings inside were of lower quality than what I paid for so he changed it. There was no basis to which to check but ended needing checking. I want to know almost exactly what conditions […]

Donation instead of a raise

Question: Similar to the question found here: I’m wondering what if an employer was more inclined to give a donation on my behalf to an institution than giving me money/raise directly, can I count that as Ma’aser? Answer: If this is indeed what the employer wants, and he is giving the money to tzedakah […]

Taking medication on Shabbos

Question: Shalom, I am told by the doctor to take medication for bipolar. If I don’t take it the next day or so I became very agitated and sometimes feel like hurting myself. I suppose that I should take it on shabbat as well. Answer: You are very right, you must take your medication even […]

The blessing beneath a new house

Question: Good day Rabbi, Does exist the Jewish tradition or requirement to bury a bottled text beneath a new house for good auspice? Does “Heaven Pina or Even Pina” ring your bell? If affirmative, what is its correct name and procedure? Thanks allot, Answer: When a person starts building a new house or building some people […]

Repenting for taking interest on a loan

Question: Dear Rabbi. My husband some years ago (maybe 18 years ago) took ribit on a loan for around 3 years without a heter eska from another Jew. We were very prosperous and had everything we wanted, we are now at a point where we have no money as all our property sales in London […]