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Purposely waiting until the 18 minutes are up

Question: Is it wrong to intentionally use the 18 minutes before shkiya before you light Shabbos candles? What if it’s already been 16 or 17 minutes and you lit candles and you’re 99% sure it was still before shkiya, are you still okay or did you do something wrong? Answer: This is a common mistake […]

Working as a fashion designer, what to consider?

Question: Hi, I studied Fashion Design and became a Ba’al Teshuva at the same time. Now I would like to look for a job (outside of Israel). In terms of keeping with Halacha, what would I be forbidden to design if working for a company located in place where non-Jews are the majority? Answer: My […]

checking a contract for any halachic issues

Question: I need to move apt. and sign a rental contract urgently. Can you please check over the contract to make sure there are no issues eg ribbis in either the contract (esp. in part 3 on the second page) or the arvut? I add that the landlord is not religious. I’m wondering if it’s […]

How to approach the indefinite period of no relations following the birth of a child?

Question: How should I approach the indefinite period of no marital relations following the birth of a child? With an active sex drive that’s been consistent throughout my adult life, I am certain to find it difficult to avoid mast. to relief urges that sometimes feel unbearable. Answer: Good question. A new father or father […]

Eating non kosher or on Yom Kippur

Question: If you ate something not kosher and you didn’t finish digesting it yet, should you make yourself throw up? Does it make a difference if you realized after you ate it that is wasn’t kosher, or if you ate non kosher on purpose and then had charata? Should you ever make yourself throw up? […]

Mother’s name on matzeva and not father’s name

Question: I recently saw many tombstone inscriptions from Bratislava (Pressburg), and all mention the mother’s name and not the father. I’d like to know the source & origin of the minhag (I think it is because the niftar is going to the עולם האמת, and the only certainty is the mother). Pressburg was heavily influenced […]

Does a non-registered basement apartment have to pay vaad bayis?

Question: The owner of a basement (machson) converted it to an apartment which is roughly 70-80 square meters, nearly the size of the regular apartment in our building. The residents have several young children too. It’s not just a tiny “yachida” apartment of 20-25 square meters. The owner didn’t connect the stairwell lights of the […]

Sanhedrin and wicked kings

Question: In Devarim 17:20, Rashi says that if a king is not righteous he won’t have a long reign. I’m trying to understand his comments. Did the Sanhedrin have the right to depose wicked kings? If so, why did they not depose Yerovam, Achav and Menashe and Yehoyakim (among others)? Answer: Sanhedrin are not the […]

Benefiting from Shabbat in Different Time Zone

Question: B”H I’m currently in Eretz Yisrael, and it’s the middle of the baseball playoffs. The next two games in the National League (1st two semifinal games) are going to be Friday night and Saturday afternoon, local time. I believe one of the players for the Dodgers is Jewish. Once Shabbos is over for me […]

Can you carry over maaser to the next year

Question: If you already gave a tenth to maaser for this year and you realize you gave more than you had to, are you allowed to apply it to the coming year’s maaser? Answer: Yes you can apply it for the coming year, but you should just say that what you gave then is really […]

Tashlumin for Yaaleh V’Yavo

Question: Someone forgets that it is Rosh Chodesh and davens a regular shacharis. He does not remember until zman mincha. Before he does anything else, he has to daven mincha with Yaaleh V’Yavo. Does he also have to daven tashlumei shacharis, or does it have the same din as someone who forgot Yaaleh V’Yavo in […]

Nashim da’atan kalos

Question: Dear Rav, I never understood what the Gemara says that nashim daatan kalos hen and that’s why they shouldn’t learn Gemara. We see so many brilliant women who are professors, doctors, surgeons etc., why shouldn’t they be able to learn Gemara? Answer: I am not aware of any gemora that says that because datan […]

Female Health care practitioner for man

Question: I have seen the Q&A regarding female massage therapists for men which is prohibited. My question is for other health care related services. Specifically “colonic hydrotherapy” (cleansing of the colon through irrigation) which is typically administered by a woman therapist. Similarly what would be the case of a female administering “Acupuncture” These are arguably […]

Followup to Rabbein Tam question

Question: source Following up to this question. If one holds Rabbeinu Tam always but happens to daven in a minyan on Yom Kippur that doesn’t hold this zman, can she continue to daven Maariv there or should she leave and go to another shul that does hold Rabbeinu Tam or just daven Maariv later b’yechidus? […]

Is it allowed to read and keep copies of the christian bible

Question: I found on the street booklets of missions to Christianity, Am i allowed to read them / keep them fro educational purposes or am i mechuav to throw them out? Answer: They are forbidden for us to read as Christianity is considered avoda zara, and their books contain avoda zara materia. They should be […]

Opening the Aron Kodesh for Neila

Question: Is there a mekor for people spending a lot of money to buy pesicha neila? Is there a mekor that it is a segula for success in all areas of life? Answer: According to kaballah it is a big zechus. It is brought from the Arizal (regarding opening the Aron Hakodesh for Kol Nidrei), […]

Rabbeinu Tam for Moztai Yom Kippur

Question: If one usually holds the zman of Rabeinu Tam can one daven with a minyan maariv motzai Yom Kippur and hear havdala before Rabbeinu Tam Answer: It depends why the person keeps Rabbeinu Tam. If it is because you hold that this is the halacha, then it should be kept even for Yom Kippur,however […]

Left Handed Cohen – birkat kohanim

Question: Dear Rabbi, I understand that in Birkat Kohanim, the Cohen raises his right hand slightly higher than the left. Does the same apply to a left-handed Cohen, or does he have to raise his left (stronger) hand above the right? thanks Sue Answer: A left handed kohen raises his right hand higher, just like […]

Father giving 1/2 of inheritance to friend of family

Question: I’m an only child of a Jewish father. My parents are divorced and my father married a goy, who has since passed on. When I was 20, my father helped to babysit a friend’s baby girl. He then bonded to the child and did for her over the years what he never did with […]

Tearing food on shabbat

Question: Shalom, can one open a sparkling apple cider on Shabbat. Whats the general rule, for tearing things when it comes for food and drinks. Attached: Attached file 1 Answer: The notion that we are allowed to rip things because it has food inside of it is not correct, and often it can lead to […]